October Newsletter 2018

It is October and fall has begun.

As we come into this month, there are two things to consider.

  • People and who they are
  • How we work with people

To paraphrase Gerbers, “People are our business. Our only business.”

Too often we can look to structure and lose people. Other times we can look to people and lose structure. We cannot forsake one for the other and see health brought to the church.

Seasons Of Change

Seasons of change and times of transition. That is what the Lord spoke to me a week ago. At first, I laughed a bit. I/you hear those words ALL the time. Everything is in a season and everything is in transition. But, the Lord immediately began to speak to me. (I sense a book at best or lots of blogs at worst on the topic.)

Some of what I heard was with regard to the fellowship of Abundant Grace Fellowship Church.

There were 2 areas that were prominent, and I wanted to share those with you.

Reach Out And Touch Someone

Abundant Grace Fellowship Church loves the community of Keene and the people here. Because of that I have encouraged our fellowship to “reach out and touch someone”. (The old Bell Telephone motto of the 70’s and 80’s.)

Since our first day, we have set in motion, helping others.

Each month we give to organizations that serve in this community. That includes one that works with the homeless, and one that helps folks and families deal with the pain of addiction and the ability to healed. (Even in our recent board meeting, we discussed new projects of service and giving for the upcoming 2019)

Every month, we want to see good things happen in our community.

Our desire is to bring hope to the broken and hurting.

The second area I felt directed to was to develop partners.


Partners are people who may not be in our Keene fellowship, but see that what is going on is important here in Keene.

To do all the things we are called to do and wanting to do require more than who we gather with.

A few weeks ago I was in a meeting with a friend and he recommended a “partner’s organization”.

Deut. 8:18 says this. “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” We can change our community.

You may be reading this and desire to be a partner.

I have put together a plan to be a partner of value to our partners.

I am asking you to pray with me, to develop partners and to honor partners.

If you read this and you feel this applies to you, please reach out to us.

As for Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker for your benefit. (2 Cor. 8:23)

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…because of your partnership in the gospel. (Phil. 1:3-5)

What will we offer partners?  

1-Trust. Trust in us, in our team to carry out the mission.
2-Communication of our purpose and the power to carry it out.
3-We will be setting clear expectations with measurable results.
4-the development of a plan with actionable steps.
5-Following through on our commitments
6-The ability to give back.
7-Prayer and praying.

With that said…
This is how we will work with these giving partners
1-A quarterly newsletter for PARTNERS ONLY
2-A monthly contact from us.
3-Postcards, Letters and Presents
4-A Facebook group for PARTNERS ONLY
5-Short, occasional messages
6-“I am thinking of you” videos, and such
7-Events-Some events will be PARTNERS ONLY while others may have special opportunities at “general events”
8-Access to our WEEKLY Podcasts (Both training and Sunday Service)

If this is you, please visit our website and click on the donation page. Your offering will set things in motion.

I pray your October is wondrous!

Abundant Grace Fellowship is a fellowship in Keene, NH.

A fellowship founded on the principles of grace, love, and mercy. Believing in His finished work while recognizing our work is not finished.

Lee & Tina bring over 60 years of ministry to the table, joined by a team that embraces His grace for the work that before us.


No fellowship can produce without the passion of the youth and the wisdom of the elderly. The heart of the Father is that we are a chosen generation, yet within that generation, exists generations. Coming together as only a family can.

Our mission is to Love, Train, Equip, Repeat

This means that first and foremost we are to love as Jesus loved, recognizing the goodness that each one of us has received. To train others to love  Equipping others and replicating ourselves, in the pattern of the Father.

Service is not just for Sundays

We meet at the Best Western in Keene NH on Sunday mornings at 10. We have additional meetings throughout the week, that include, but are not limited to.

  • Coffee & Jesus-a meeting during the week in a local coffee shop
  • Titus Women-a monthly meeting for women
  • Youth Group-for 11 to 18-year-olds, twice a month
  • Children’s Church-Sunday mornings at 10 following worship
  • Other meetings may include worship meetings, prayer times, men’s gatherings, home groups, and special events

How can you participate?

  • If you are looking for a church family, please consider joining us
  • Please keep us in prayer as we move ahead
  • You can follow us on Facebook
  • You can check additional mailings
  • You can share this with others
  • Your donations are appreciated

Thank you for your time.

Lee Johndrow
Senior Leader